Oma’s House

Named in honor of founder Robert Wilson’s mother, Oma’s House at The Village is a living memorial to an amazing woman. Margaret “Sue” Wilson was born July 6th, 1927 in Omaha Nebraska, and spent all of her life caring for others before herself. She and her husband, Joseph, were affectionately known as “Oma” and “Opa” – which is German for Grandma and Grandpa – reflecting the many years the family lived abroad in Vienna, Austria.
She was a quiet, unassuming lady who always placed the comfort and needs of her family ahead of her own, yet she was the shining light that taught her children compassion for others, courtesy to all and the importance of strong family values and the unconditional love it provides. She was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church, and active for many years working with the Crosslines Christmas Toy Store for underprivileged children. She was active in civic work as well, volunteered for many years at the Lenexa Historical Society, and in 1994 was inducted into the Lenexa Hall of Fame in recognition of her community service.
Oma was well known for her hospitality, especially her baking, and she gifted everyone who moved out of her sphere with her famous sour-cream coffee cake recipe. We now pass it along to you, in recognition of her open heart and hands.
The example she set epitomized all that a good mother should be, and her children are eternally grateful to have been raised under her gentle guidance and to have shared in her life story.